Eric Edmonds- Project Day 3

 Entering day three of my training, my legs were certainly feeling it. Today was what I like to call an active rest day in the gym. I got into the gym at 10:30 and performed an injury prevention workout that is listed below:

  • Backward walks 5 minutes

  • band activation 

  • tibialis raise 3x 20

  • ankle dorsiflexion 3x10 each leg

  • deep squat no weight 3x12

  • deep lunge 3x10

  • good mornings 3x10

  • pull ups 3x6-8

  • bosu push-ups 3x12

  • hamstring ball curls 3x12

  • alternating dead bug

  • glute bridge 3x12

This workout helped with flexibility and stability which are two key factors in running and soccer. Then I followed a 30 minute yoga video to really get a good stretch in and loosen up before my field session. Link to the video: Pro Footballer's Full Deep Stretch and Yoga Routine | 30 Minute Yoga for Soccer Players

Total time in gym: 10:30-12:30

I got some lunch then headed back to my room for about 30 mins of rest. It is important to rest for a little bit between each session so I enter the next session with a rested mind and body. I followed a simple close control ball work that I learned from my Dad. Three simple dribbling circuits with a finishing drill at the end. My legs were pretty toast after this.

Total time: 2:30-4:00

I finished off the day with a mini practice/3v3 pickup that I set up with a few people on the soccer team. I have been running these pickup sessions 2-3 times a week after dinner and will continue to run them during my project. 

Total time: 5:30-6:30

Time total day 3: 4 hours 30 minutes


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