Eric Edmonds- Project Day 4
Waking up on day 4 I felt well rested and minimal soreness in my body which was my goal yesterday. I did feel tight and went to the gym at 10:00 A.M to do some inclined backwards walking on the treadmill and a long stretch. I’ve found that inclined backwards walking on the treadmill gets my legs loose and ready to work. I ran around 2 miles at a 50% pace because I didn’t want to tire myself out before I start my main sessions. I headed in and did some more backwards walking before my gym session. I followed the leg workout below:
Back squats 3x6-8 225lbs
Box jumps 3x6 33in
Weighted jumps 3x8 20 lbs DB’s
Assisted jumps 3x8
split squats E/legs 6 reps superset RDL’s 6 reps
Splits squats 6 reps E/leg superset Split jumps 6 reps E/leg
I stretched out and left the gym for lunch around 12:30
Total Time in Gym: 2 hours 30 mins
After lunch I got about a 30 minute rest and got out to the field at around 2 P.M. I did a dribbling circuit that I did in my independent program after a warm up and band activation. This took an hour and I went and showered after. I finished off with a 30 minute soccer specific deep stretch/ yoga routine.
Pro Footballer's Full Deep Stretch and Yoga Routine | 30 Minute Yoga for Soccer Players
Total time playing/stretching: 1 hour 30 minutes
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